This game was made to be played by children in a tech-museum. Our goal was to educate children with a fun game on how infrared works.
The player can drive around the map to seek the needed dinosaur. This is proven to be difficult due to the foliage and hills in the map so the player can use infrared to get a clear view of the dinosaurs. We didn’t create a long tutorial but rather explained the controls when the player starts to need them. This project was 10 weeks long including playtest sessions with children to make sure they understood the game.
My responsibilities during this project were:
- Planning the project in 1 week sprints
- Making sure everyone had input in the project
- Gameplay mechanics like the pickup of dinosaurs and part of the UI
- Shader effect in infrared
Our project was found the best by a combination of teachers and museum employees and is now playable in the HEIM tech museum in Hengelo.